Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bad Habits

Cody was off yesterday, and we decided to make a trip to Grand Rapids.  We went shopping and decided to have Sushi for lunch.  While I know that sushi isn't the healthiest thing in the world, I didn't feel like I went overboard and was proud of how I did at lunch.  We finished our shopping and went home.  Around that time, it was time for dinner so we talked about what sounded good and we both decided that a place that serves great burgers was where we wanted to go.  When we got there, instead of trying to find something healthy, I ordered my favorite burger and fries and ate the whole thing.  Normally, Tuesday or Wednesday would be my cheat meal, and eating a burger like this wouldn't necessarily phase me too much.  But I had my cheat meal on Sunday with my parents, so this was not a good choice for me. 

I realized that it's such a bad habit for me to go to a restaurant that sounds good, and order whatever I want off the menu.  I need to really put thought into the places we decide to go, and make sure that there is something on the menu that I can order that won't throw me completely off track.  We tend to eat out more when my husband is off, because we like to go on day trips where we're gone shopping or exploring all day, and I don't want to give that up.  I just need to pay more attention to where we're going and what I'm ordering. 

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