Saturday, April 11, 2015

Frame of Mind

So, I got thinking today about weight loss and how much it consumes my mind when I am consciously trying to eat healthy enough to lose weight.

 And then it hit me.

I honestly think part of the problem I have with being able to lose weight is that I can't imagine myself doing it.

It's like winning the lottery.  You can buy lottery tickets every day, with hopes of winning, but when it comes down to it, you know that the likelihood of you winning the lottery are very slim.  You like to imagine yourself winning millions of dollars, and what you'd do with it, and the house you'd buy, etc., but when you're honest with yourself, you know that you will probably continue along the path you are currently on, without any major thing like winning the lottery happening. And eventually you will talk yourself out of wasting money on the tickets, because you most likely won't win, anyway.

That is exactly how I feel about weight loss.  I can buy healthy foods, and I can go to the gym....I can take all the necessary steps to lose the 100+ pounds that I'd like to lose, and I can imagine what life would be like to be thin and fit and be able to wear a size 4 pants.  But when I'm honest with myself, I can't ACTUALLY see it happening.  And I get discouraged, and stop trying.  Because why bother?  Why put the effort into something that I can't actually see myself getting results from?

I think that's my biggest struggle when it comes down to it.  I don't mind eating healthy. I like healthy foods.  And I don't mind going to the gym. I like the "me" time I have when I'm there.  But because I can't actually see myself succeeding, I just want to give up and just go back to not caring.

I need to figure out how to flip my frame of mind.  I need to learn how to have enough confidence in myself to know that I CAN lose weight, and I CAN get to my goal weight.

Have any of you felt this way?  How did you overcome it?

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