Sunday, November 25, 2012

Post Thanksgiving Weekend

I have been so nervous for the past few weeks, because I volunteered to host Thanksgiving at our house this year.  This was the first time we had a house to have a Holiday get together in, and even though we didn't have a ton of space, I wanted to give it a try and see if I could do it. 

Cody and I found ways to fight most of the day, just because we were both worried about getting everything right.  We fought over small things, like when to put the rolls in the oven, how to make the gravy, dishes, etc.  But everything went great. My mom asked during dinner, "What is something that you are thankful for this year?". I am so thankful that I had a year full of so many great things, with an amazing husband by my side through it all.  I am so thankful for the life that we are building for ourselves, and the family that we surround ourselves with.  Of course, I wish that we could spend more time with each other, but I am glad to know that I am surrounded by some great people. 

I ended up going shopping early early Friday morning. I decided to go only to Old Navy, because I REALLY wanted some $15 jeans.  I ended up getting some other stuff too, and didn't spend a ton of money, so I was happy about that!  Other than that, this weekend has been spent working, putting up Christmas decorations, and sleeping.  Cody is working so much lately, that I hardly get to see him.  I've gotten to see him for a few minutes in the morning before he leaves for work, and then he's asleep when I get home from work.  I'm hoping there's only another week or two of hours like this.  He's had 1 day off (Thanksgiving) in the last 3 weeks, and he's not sure when he's gonna get another day off.  That's the life of a restaurant manager, I suppose. 

Here's my question for everyone reading this.......Do you count calories using MFP or sparkpeople?  Or are you a member of Weight Watchers? 

I have really been wanting to join weight watchers again.  I know that MFP is free and it works for a lot of people.....I just think that I want the accountability of going to a meeting.  I loved doing WW when I did it in the past.  I want to talk Cody into letting me to a 3 month signup, just to see how I like it, and if I don't like it, then I don't need to sign up again.  What do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. I use both MFP and SP, and have done WW. I stopped using SP for a while but recently started again. I haven't had the weight loss success I thought I would with MFP (which is a completely different story about a frustrating plateau), but I'm using that too. I did WW twice in the past and never stuck with it. At that point I wasn't ready to change. I didn't enjoy my meetings which did not help either. I did WW online for 3 months this summer, in conjunction with MFP, and saw no results.

    I think SP is my favorite tracker, but MFP is a little easier/faster and more user friendly. I like how SP calculates my intake and exercise needs for me. MFP doesn't do that, so I wasn't quite sure what to set my daily calorie intake goal at.

    I think they're all good options. You might as well try WW - just to see which works best for you!
