Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Short and Sweet :)

This is going to be a super short post, because I have a heck of a lot of cleaning to do. 

I found a 10k running program that is just a continuation of the c25k.  I found it on my phone, and I've been doing that instead of doing the half marathon training I started doing.  I think I found my perfect running speed.  I ran at a 5.2 this morning, and I wasn't out of breath, but I was working hard enough to where I felt like I was getting a work out.  Perfect! :)

I made a new smoothie yesterday that I think I'll be eating for breakfast for a while.  It's 2 frozen bananas, a cup of milk, Cocoa Powder, and PB2.  IT's so yummy, and filling! Love it! 

Okay, off to clean I go! :)


  1. I love smoothies and alway looking for new recipes. I'm gonna try this one. I have some pb2 too!

  2. Its super tummy! Its 2 frozen bananas, 1.5 Tbsp cocoa powder, 1 cup of milk, 1 heaping scoop of pb2, and I add a packet of splenda, just because it hides the banana flavor a bit. If you use skim , its about 350 calories and it makes plenty for a filling breakfast!
