Sunday, May 13, 2012


I never truly believe the scale.  I think it's a liar, because one day, I'll be one weight, and then two days later, I'm up 6lbs, and then a few days later, I'm down 10.  So, I have a hard time taking what the scale says.  I'm working on getting a new scale, but until then, I decided that I'll just weigh in once a week, and hopefully, I'll be losing weight, which will make the scale go down, and stay down. 

I weighed myself before we left for Chicago, and I was at 260.2.  I weighed myself today (even though I'm going to do weigh-ins on Mondays), and I was at 257.2! Down 3lbs!  Hopefully it stays that way, and I can FINALLY see some progress.  Even though I've changed my eating habits (I may not always log my food, but when we were living at the apartment, it wasn't uncommon for me to eat fast food 4 times a week, and we'd order pizza at least 2-3 times a week) and I've been exercising (I started doing the c25k program on Feb 29, and have been working out at least 2 times a week, on average (sometimes more, sometimes less), and I've gone up in weight.  My last weigh-in on (follow me there if you want - kwrecks) was in February 28, and I was 254.  So, I've gained 6lbs, when I'm doing good?  It doesn't make sense to me.  Like I said, I think my scale is a liar, so maybe when I get a new scale, I can have a better idea of what I actually weigh, and when I'm actually losing.  I'm gonna hope, though, that I really did lose 3lbs!

On a different note, Bethi at Disney Mommi is giving away a Minnie Mouse SPIBelt!  It's this super cool belt that is easy to wear, and it holds your small stuff, like your drivers licence, credit cards, cell phone (or in my case, I'd put extra ponytail holders and hair clips in it for when my hair gets in my face!).  AND, it's red, with white dots, totally Minnie Mouse! Perfect for anyone who is planning on running the Disney Princess Half Marathon! Wanna enter?  Just go to her blog, and follow her, and she'll give you other ways to enter (up to 10 per person!).  And if you don't win, don't fret, because her blog is totally great too (she's still training for the Half Marathon, and she's 32 weeks pregnant!). 

Hope all you mothers out there have a great Mothers Day!!


  1. Good luck on the scale tomorrow for your official weigh-in (one thing I am not looking forward to after baby is the weight loss game). You can do it! And thanks for the link to my giveaway! Seriously love my SPIbelt and I know who ever wins it will as well :)

  2. I'm a slave to the scale and am trying to only weigh myself once a week. Trying, being the important word because I haven't quite made it a week yet :D

    Good luck today!!!

  3. I hate the scale to. I keep telling myself not to get on it so much. I should just have my husband hide it from me lol
