Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So I am gonna run tomorrow morning, at my normal time.  I think I'm gonna switch it up a bit, and run from my parents house.  They live in more of a neighborhood, where we just live on a dead end street, off of a busy road.  I have to take the hubby to drop his car off at the mechanic, and then drop him off at work for a little bit, so I'll get my run on when he's at work.  I really really really want to be able to run for a mile.  My 5k race is in 2.5 weeks (May 19th) and even though it's an untimed race, I still want to be able to run it in less than an hour.  I have no doubt in my mind that I'll be able to do a 16 minute mile by the time the Half Marathon rolls around, but for now I want to try to get less than a 20 minute mile, because that seems to be where I'm averaging.  Tomorrow, I hope to be able to go for at least 3.1 Miles, even if I just run as far as I can, and then walk the rest of the way, just to get an idea of how long it is, how I'll feel after, and to make sure that I can do it. 

Can everyone give me their input about how they breath when they run?  I am SO out of breath every time.  I've been more out of breath since I started running outside than I was when I was doing it on the track, but I'm hoping that is because it's been so cold outside and the cold air screws with my lungs.  I read that when you run, you should take deep breaths, from your belly.  So that when you breath in, your chest shouldn't rise, and your stomach should.  But when I do that while I'm running, I tend to only breath out of my mouth, and not out of my nose, which I think may screw my breathing up even more.  Do you guys have any tricks or anything to help me? My body gets tired when I run, sure, but I think the biggest problem I'm facing is that I can't breath.  Trying to breath the way I "should" is making me not breath as much, I guess, and it's making me even more out of breath.  Suggestions?


  1. This question was asked at one of the lectures in my running program. The coach (who is also a physician) said "Just suck wind!" He said that when you are starting out, you don't need to focus too much on things like breathing, just focus on running! Hope this helps!

  2. http://youtu.be/jhpuKEETztg

    Here is a link to the lecture on Youtube. I don't know if there are 2 parts and I'm not sure if either of them have the Q&A session we did, but it might be some information that is useful to you, also being a new runner :)

    1. Thank you! I will have to watch this! I didn't have as many issues today as I normally do, this mornings weather was warmer, so it wasn't as harsh on my lungs!

  3. I had to focus on my breathing because I could nongemety long enough if I didn't. I googled a few times and different techniques. I do a 2-2 or 3-2. Meaning I try breathing with my steps as in: breathing left right and then breath out left right. Or with the 3-2 breathing left, right, left and out left, right. It was a little confusing at first but it did not take long to just do it naturally. This may not work for everyone but it worked for me. Sometimes I'm able to breath in through my nose and out through my mouth, that really depends on how hot it is.

    Hope this helps. Good job on your 5k. I've found another one I think I'm gonna do on May19th.

    1. *i could not run long enough if I didn't.
