Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Big Man upstairs wanted me to run today....

I woke up at 7:30, and I had every intention on doing the same route I did on Thursday, except I was going to increase my running distance.  On Thursday, I ran up my street, and walked down, and did that for 2 miles (at least that's what my crappy HRM said).  My plan for today was to run up the street, and back down half, and then walk the other half, for at least 2 miles.  I got up, got dressed, was all ready to go, and I step outside, and it's effing FREEZING outside, and it's raining/sleeting/snowing.  I was bummed, but the lazy part of me said "it's all good, I can just go tomorrow".  So I came inside, sat down, and turned the tv on.  I sat here for a second, and thought "maybe I'll just go to the gym and do the elliptical".  I HATE the elliptical, so that idea wasn't all that great.  I really had every intention on just sitting here and relaxing, but something made me decide to get up and go outside and run away.

When I got outside, I saw that it had stopped raining!  So I went out and started my workout.  Running farther was hard, but I was able to do it.  The problem that I ran into was the air.  Does cold air bother anyone elses lungs?  It was about 40 degrees outside, and after about 15 minutes, my lungs started to burn so bad.  I've had this issue just about every time I've run outside.  I start coughing and it's hard to breath.  I'm working on trying to breath better when I run, so that I'm not so out of breath the whole time, but with the cold air, it's so hard to do that.

I went for about a mile before my shins started to ache, my lungs were bothering me so bad that I was out of breath even when I was walking, and it was just time to go in.  About as soon as I hit one mile, and decided to come inside, it started raining again.  I was grateful that it stopped raining long enough to get a short workout in, even if it wasn't as long as I had originally planned.  I'm gonna try again tomorrow and see how it goes.

I'm sitting here now though, and I'm icing my shins.  After Thursdays run, my shins and ankles were super stiff all day.  I always felt like they needed to be stretched, even after I had stretched them.  I am super terrified of getting shin splints, so I am hoping that icing them after each run will help keep them from injury.


  1. Way to go!

    As for your question about the lentil soup, I did like it! It's not my favorite soup but I was glad that I tried something new. I probably won't make it again because my husband wasn't a fan. He tried adding cheese to it. Haha

  2. At least you got a mile workout in! Good for you for getting out there and doing it!
    I have the same issue when it's cold out! My lungs burn so bad it makes it hard for me the breathe as well. I don't know why that is. Definitely not fun running in the cold.

  3. Any chance you have untreated asthma? I used to have a lot of breathing problems, but I went to the doctor and she gave me an inhaler for asthma (related to allergies) and now I have much less difficulty. Cold weather and exercise can be big triggers for asthma, so I'm just wondering if there's any chance that's going on for you.
