Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bad Day

It's only 11:30 and I'm already feeling down.  I think a big part of it has to do with the fact that my baby (my puppy, Remy) is going to have surgery tomorrow.  :(

I'm so nervous about it, I could just cry.  I have cried, actually.  She's just getting fixed, but sending my baby in to have surgery is so scary.  I really don't wanna do it, but I know I have to.  They have to keep her overnight, and although I've been away from her overnight before, it's usually a situation where Cody and I go out of town, and she stays with my parents.  The good news is, she'll be gone all day Monday, so that will give us a good amount of time to try to get as much as we can moved to the new house, without having to worry about her getting in the way.  But I'd rather her not have to have surgery.  :(

I slept in this morning, because I haven't been sleeping great at all.  I had planned on getting up at 8:30 to go run, but I didn't wake up until 9:45.  I had to drag myself out of bed and put my running clothes on, and when I got to the gym, it was closed. I guess I've never been to the gym on a Sunday, so I didn't realize they weren't open.  I am so tempted to not do the run today. I'm just not mentally feeling it.  I have so much packing to do, I have to work tonight, and I apparently have to spend the afternoon at my brother in laws house for his dogs birthday party......yeah.  I don't wanna do that, but apparently he'll be all sorts of pissed if I don't show up with Remy.  Blahhhh. I just wanna lay on the couch in my pajamas and watch movies all night..

I hope everyone is having a good day.  :)


  1. go run it will make you feel better! and I'm sorry about your puppy I know how bad it feels to have to be with out your fur baby but she'll be okay and you get to back and take her home to her new house. Silver lining.

  2. Your dog will do great! I work at a veterinary clinic and it's a very safe, routine surgery!

  3. Try not to worry about Remy, I'm sure she'll be just fine. My kiddos have had surgery a few times as well. Both girls needed a frenectomy at about 1 year of age and the younger one needed ear tubes. No huge deal, but anesthesia and all so it was hard. They are JUST fine and I'm sure Remy will be too. Hugs girl!

  4. I know what it is like to just not "feel it." How about trying another form of exercise for the day?
