Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Plan....

I had every intention on getting up this morning, going to church, eating with my family, and then going to run. I ended up waking up at 10 (church starts at 10:30), and my hips are KILLING me. I have had issues with my hips before, and I've always contributed it to the fact that I don't exercise, and that I am overweight, and I wear bad shoes to work. But lately, and especially after my run on Friday, my hips have been hurting even worse. I even had to take some ibuprofen before bed on Friday so that I could fall asleep. I think that I'm going to give myself another day of rest. Going from a treadmill to a hard surface can be hard on your joints, so I think that I need to be a bit slower in my transition.

I am going to take some more ibuprofen and go to breakfast with my parents, and then we will see how I feel after that. I want to run, and I'll feel defeated if I don't go, but I also know that right now, it's important to listen to my body, and I don't want to hurt myself.

Anyone have any issues with their hips that may be able to give me an idea of what to do to make them stop hurting?


  1. Hello! I had problems when I started running too. Make sure you warm up, and STRETCH really good before pushing your body. That helped me with it. If you have good flexibility in your hips, it will help with the pain. Make sure to warm up before stretching though, or you run the risk of tearing muscles. :-) Hope this helps!!

  2. I am totally familiar with pain in the hips due to ligaments. My ligaments are much looser than normal right now and so they do take their own sweet time adjusting to any changes I make in working out (pace, distance, whatever). I agree with Jenna that stretching helps, but I also recommend not pushing yourself too fast to give them time to strengthen (both muscles and ligaments). But that does not mean I Would skip a workout, I would just go slower if I had pain. I have found that after working out slower, I feel better than I did before, even if I went into that workout with something a bit sore. Just my two cents of course! Listen to your body but don't let it stop you ;)

  3. Have you ever tried seeing a Chiropractor? That may sound silly for hip pain. I started at 257 lb and have been running for about 2 months now. I haven't had hip problems, but I have had knee and calf problems. My chiropractor is fabulous and is a runner himself. The first time my knee was hurting, he showed me which muscle was causing the problem and showed me how to rub it. (I haven't had that problem since) Next I was dealing with different knee pain b/c my knee was popping every time I would walk up stairs. He said that my lower back was misaligned and adjusted me. It hasn't popped since then. My latest pain has been in my calf, and has forced me to rest for an entire week. He went right to the problem, "worked on it" (i.e. he did some really painful massage!) told me how to rub it myself, how to stretch it, etc . . . and it is now on the mend. So, I know this is a REALLY long comment, but my chiropractor has been a life saver for me in this journey. I hope you're feeling better!
