Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I dont know why I have been lacking motivation lately.  I almost feel like I'm getting bored with running, even though it's hard.  I'm getting bored of running at the same place.  I know that the way to change this is to run somewhere else, but at this point, I don't know where to go.  My house is right off of a busy road, so running from my house is basically not doable.  Since I'm new to this area, I don't really know of any parks or running trails.  I've tried using MapMyRun, but I haven't been able to find any good, interesting trails.  I'm scheduled for a run tomorrow, and I was hoping to go outside, but I think I'll just do it inside again.  It's supposed to be about 45 degrees tomorrow morning, so it may be a little bit too chilly for me to run outside.  I also think that I wish I had a running buddy.  I don't mind running alone, because it gives me time to think, and I have to stay in my own zone to be able to finish.  But it'd be nice to have someone with me, to help motivate me.

Maybe once I start doing some 5k's in the area, I'll meet some people, and then I'll find a runner who is at the same point in their running journey as I am.  I just wish I lived near some of you that read my blog, and we could all run together! :)

I've been thinking a lot about the Princess Half Marathon, and I am super worried that I'm not gonna be ready for it.  I probably need to start working harder than I am right now, but I am worried about over doing it.  I don't wanna hurt myself. I have a friend who started running, and went from not running, to running every day.  She now has a completely screwed up knee, and she gets shin splints every time she tries to run.  She is giving up running for a while.  I don't wanna do that!  I wanna be able to run without a problem.

Speaking of the Princess Half, I decided I want this once I finish the race:

How adorable is this???

Okay, I'm off to bed.  I'm going to give my Week 5 Day 2 a try tomorrow, hopefully being able to give myself a few walking seconds within my 8 minute intervals so that I can run it without a problem! So I can FINALLY move on to giving the 20 minute run a try!!!  Night ya'll!


  1. I understand your desire for a running partner. It is nice to have that time alone, but it would also be nice to have someone there to give you that extra push. Hopefully you'll start meeting people when you do your 5K's and there might be a buddy just waiting for you!

    1. Thanks! I hope so....even if it's just once a week or something, it'd be nice to have someone to go with!

  2. Maybe you can ask the employees or the running store if they know of any groups or resources for new runners. I have 2 friends that I run with, and I'm in my running program. I really like running with my running group because it gives me a gauge of how I'm progressing compared to everyone else.

    You will be able to accomplish your goals, but you have to believe that you can! You just have to keep at it. Keep to your schedule as best as you can, run even when you don't want to. I had about 5 horrible runs in a row a few weeks ago. One run I even started ugly crying during it, but I kept at it and I moved past that rough patch.

    I know that you can do this! You just have to know it too!

    1. I will have to do that, I haven't thought about asking people at the store! :)

      I'm getting tired of this rough patch, because I want to go back to where I feel like I can accomplish what I set out to do, instead if failing miserably. Hopefully that motivation is coming back soon!!
