Thursday, April 26, 2012

Giving up is for Rookies

Disney has the best inspirational quotes. :)

I couldn't sleep this morning, so I ended up waking up around 6:30 and since I couldn't fall back asleep, I ended up getting up around 7:15ish.  I decided since I was awake, and it wasn't raining, that I'd go out for a run again. (That's 3 days in a row, in case you were wondering :) )

Yesterday during my run, I forgot to wear my HRM, so I remembered to grab it today.  I have a crappy HRM, it's a Sportline somethingorother.
I hate this thing, really. I am fairly sure it's not accurate.  See the little silver spots on the top and bottom of the screen?  That's how you get your heart rate.  You put your finger on it and wait for it to read it, which is really not practical for when you're running.  And if you're sweaty, it won't read it.  It doesn't take a constant reading, it just reads whenever you check it.  There is no GPS, so it's basically a big pedometer.  This is why I want a Garmin.  I want something that will give an accurate reading.  Unfortunately, Garmins are expensive and we don't have the money for it right now, so all I've got is this crappy thing.

I grabbed it this morning, if for nothing else, to see the distance I was going.  I decided to do the same type of "intervals" that I did yesterday.  I walked down my road, to the dead end, and ran from the end, up to the corner.  According to my HRM, I did it for 2 miles!  Those two miles took me about 42 minutes. Why it took so long, I'm not sure.  I'm fairly sure I can walk faster than a 20 minute mile, so I think something isn't right.  But oh well.  I still feel like I went 2 miles, and I feel good about that, because that's the farthest I've gone since I've started doing this.  I think I'm gonna keep doing the same type of intervals, until I can get faster, run longer, and I'm gonna start trying to go for at least 3.1 miles.  That way, in 3 weeks when I do my 5k, I'll be ready for it!  Once I'm able to comfortably run 5k, I'm gonna start the couch to 10k program.  I'd like to be able to run a 10k by August/September.  I'd really like to be able to run more than that by September, so that I'm comfortably read for the Princess Half in February.  I'm nervous about how I'm gonna run in the winter with the snow....hopefully we'll have a winter like this past one, where we hardly got any snow!


  1. I love that Disney picture! They are really the best.
    Do you have an IPhone? If so, there is a free app called "RunKeeper." It uses GPS, and if you bring it with you when you are running (or even if you're out for a walk), it'll tell you total miles, time, average minute/mile, calories, and your current pace.
    That's what I use! Garmin's are so expensive, but I feel like this app gives me all the info I need. The only thing it doesn't have is heart rate. But it's pretty good considering it's free!

    Congrats for getting out and running 3 days in a row! That's what I need to start doing. Thanks for the motivation!

    and ps. I am so JEALOUS you are doing the Princess Half! I want to do that someday.

  2. I don't have an iphone, I have a smart phone though. I use the mapmyrun app, which everyone seems to swear by, but for whatever reason the GPS on it never works. I had tried it on my indoor track, and then read it doesn't work inside. So now that I'm running outside, I thought I'd be able to get the GPS on that app to work, but I can't. I tried everything it says to in order to get it to work, and still nothing. I really just want something that will tell me how far I went, how many calories I've burned, and my pace. I'm hoping that I can get a Garmin for my birthday, or a different HRM that actually works!!

    1. Maybe you could try There at least you can map your street and it can tell you the distance you run.
      I hope you get a Garmin for your birthday! (and hopefully your bday is coming up soon!) That'd be awesome. I'd love one, but it's not in my budget right now.
      Keep up the great work!
